メンテナンス作品はこちら / Maintenance Artworks are as follows


「マルチジャンピング宇宙 / Multi Jumping Universe」

「生命は結晶化した儚い光 / Ephemeral Crystallized Light」

The following artworks are unavailable for viewing due to maintenance.

Until Monday, March 17:
"Multi Jumping Universe"

Until further notice:
"Ephemeral Crystallized Light "

teamLab Planets TOKYO DMM.com

Admission for 3 guests

The specified date of admission has passed and this ticket became invalid.

teamLab Planets TOKYO

Ticket type Entrance Pass
Admission date and time(JST) Fri Feb. 21, 2025 20:30 - 21:00
Number of tickets
3 guests
  • *You may have to wait 30 minutes to be admitted to the venue.

    *The above time is not the staying time in the venue.

    *Resale for commercial purposes is prohibited.

  • Inquiry Number : b9b6967b863e8d0243

teamLab App

Understand Deeply and Enjoy More We have prepared a guide app that allows you to read the concepts of the artworks near you. Create the Artwork with Others In The Infinite Crystal Universe, you can participate in the art using this app. You create the artwork with those around you.

Distributed Fire

Light the Flame When you launch this app and approach Universe of Fire Particles Falling from the Sky, your flame will ignite and you can take the artwork home with you. Share the Flame If you approach other people with the app, you can share your flame with them.

Vegan Ramen UZU Tokyo

Vegan Ramen UZU Tokyo is a dining experience from Kyoto. Vegan ice cream and a variety of teas are also available. People can eat vegan ramen in the art spaces Reversible Rotation - Non-Objective Space and Table of Sky and Fire, or at the One Stroke Bench.

Why does teamLab continue to seek a “world without boundaries”?

If you want to learn more about the secrets behind the fun of teamLab's art, if you want to understand the teamLab Planets, or if you want to take a peek inside the mind of teamLab Founder Toshiyuki Inoko, then please read on.
Art Critic, Tsunehiro Uno

See more

Using a QR Ticket

  • Using it on your smartphone

  • Print out on paper

    Open the print page

Ticket Storage Method

Please carefully store your ticket using one of the methods below until the day of admission.

  • Bookmark "My Ticket"

    Please bookmark and save the URL of the "My Ticket" page.

  • Store the email

    An email containing the ticket URL will be sent at the time of purchase and two days before admission.
    Open the URL to display "My Ticket".
    If you have not received an email, please refer to the help page below.
    The purchase confirmation email was not delivered.

Admission Process

  • Display the ticket

    While waiting in the admission queue, please display the QR code of "My Ticket" on your smartphone device or prepare your printed ticket.

  • Scan the QR code of "My Ticket" for admission

    Please scan the QR code of "My Ticket" at the entrance gate.


Send the ticket URL to the "smartphone or tablet you wish to use the tickets" on,
and open your browser

Send by email

Mailer will launch with the text, so send it as it is and open the URL on the device you wish to use.

The URL can be copied, so paste and send it through your favorite sending method, then open the URL on the device you wish to use.


Smartphone image sample
You can enter the venue by scanning your QR code at the gate.
Admission sample image
In the case of simoutaneous group admission,only one group ticket is necessary.
Receive QR code by email
In the case of group admissions,you may share your ticket with other group members beforehand.